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Herzlich Willkommen! Welcome!


Dear friends of belgian Shepherd's,


we, Montego Blue, Ontario Blue, Rania and our „Mum“ Doris live in the beautiful area of the Teutoburg forest.

All started with Danny – a huge yorkshire terrier with one floppy ear. He accompanied „Mum“ during her crazy years of study. Although having an extremly exciting time he became 13 years old.

Danny was followed by Kira – the first dog in the „Brook“. Kira was a shepherd-collie-mix and she was rescued in a hush-hush operation on a sunday morning at 09.00 h from the dog's shelter in Hellern. Despite her only later known bad illness she lived 9,5 years at our present home. During this time „Mum“ was already bothered with the question of a second dog and which varity it should be.

Because of our multiplex qualities it should be a Belgian Tervuren.

In January 2010 Kira passed the Rainbow bridge and in March 2010 aunty „Shana“ (Karo „vom Egelschütz“) moved in. By now „Mum“ was incurably infected by the Tervuren-Virus. She also infected Lena, Daniel and Volker with the Tervuren-Disease.

Shana died being poisened within the night, I (Montego Blue) was born. 

Fate had decided that I should move in.

The spirit of Danny, Kira and Shana is still around and we receive lots of hints from them.

Shana already was able to enjoy the life of Dogshows so it made sense that we also can enjoy this events.

Mum“ always wanted 10 sheeps, 25 cows, 17 horses and a minimum of 5 dogs at least. So she decided in December 2013 to bring my half-brother Ontario Blue into the „Brook“. We enjoyed a good life until mid of 2017 the little spanish girl Rania d'Aquivelt moved in.

As known already, Lena and Daniel, suffering from the Tervuren-Disease, meanwhile got their own Tervuren – Nashville. He's making us feel hangig around at our place 24/7/365.

We're making fun for us and our can opener's daily. To perform our certain daily tasks in a secured manner and to promote our humanities, „Mum“ takes us weekly for lungeing and crossdogging. In addition we weekly attend mantrailing. Therefore our working week is filled very well. As we do have more than a 40 hours working week, we enjoy a well deserved vacation allowance. Those times we love to spend with „Mum“ and our two- and four-legged friends at any seaside – as long as it is sea.

More informations can be obtained from „Mum“.


Have fun on our pages!


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